33 Days to Eucharistic Glory

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Dear Everest Community,

I am excited to have you join me in making a 33-day spiritual pilgrimage to encounter Jesus more deeply in the Eucharist. The Eucharist is God, Our Lord Jesus Christ! This is a central belief of our faith. As with our consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary last year, the goal of our consecration this year is to draw even closer to Jesus’ heart.

Simply put, to consecrate something means to make it holy. For the next 33 days, we will be dedicating time in our day and space in our hearts and minds to God. We should always be striving to strengthen our relationship with God. Consecration allows us to do so even more deeply.

Because I believe strongly in our mission to form Christian leaders, I want to take advantage of this opportunity to grow in faith and trust in God’s plan for Everest.  In consecrating our school to Jesus in the Eucharist, not only do I wish to unite ourselves more firmly to God, but also to ask God for his blessing upon our students, teachers, families, and benefactors.

“Consecrate yourselves today to the Lord. . . that He may bestow upon you a blessing this day.” (Exodus 32:29)

We will be using Matthew Kelly’s book, 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory, to guide us on our 33-day preparation for consecration. To help you get a better understanding of why and how we are making this 33-day consecration, I invite you to read the Introduction which gives a good explanation of why Matthew Kelly wrote this book.

Thank you for joining me on this 33-day journey. I will be praying for you! May our devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist lead us closer to Him who seeks to shower us with His love… and may He hear our prayers and help Everest to fulfill its mission in forming Christian leaders.

God bless,

Candy Hamilton


The journey will last thirty-three days. Four weeks and five days. Each week is arranged around a theme and designed to prepare you for your consecration on day thirty-three, but also to educate and inspire you about the extraordinary power of the Eucharist.

Week 1: The Eucharist and the Pilgrim

Week 2: The Eucharist and the Saints

Week 3: The Eucharist and You

Week 4: The Eucharist and History

The Final Days: The Moment of Surrender



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Reader: Candy Hamilton

Day 1

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Reader: Candy Hamilton

Day 2

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Reader: Sue Zabilka

Day 3

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Reader: Mary DeRoche